Douglas was the only black tri male out of 9 puppies in our Tripper x Lassen Litter, and he was a stand out from the start. Douglas is co-owned and loved by my friend George Calderon. Some things are meant to be, and Douglas ending up with George was one of those things. I kept suggesting to George that Douglas would be great at agility, and finally he signed up for lessons at WAG in Spring of 2015. By November of 2015 they had their first agility trial and George was hooked on agility! In 3 years of trialing they have accumulated an impressive amount of titles in ASCA, CPE, and NADAC. To say I am proud is an understatement. Douglas runs with controlled speed, good focus, and great distance. He has beautiful clean movement, and a gorgeous head. George notes that Douglas definitely catches attention wherever he goes. Douglas also has a love of water just like his dam Lassen and has gone to a few splash dog events to earn his dock diving title (DJ) in AKC. Notable achievements include: NADAC: Agility Trial Championship #6 All Around NATCH #4 Versatility Trial Championship #4 Top 10 breed placements in 2018 for 8 different types of courses Top 10 breed placements in 2019 for 8 different types of courses Top 10 breed placements in 2020 for 7 different types of courses NADAC Nationals 2018 in Wyoming , Qualified as a finalist, finished 11th overall. CPE: Nationals 2017 in California- high in trial standard , and fifth place in Games. CPE agility trial Champion (CT-ATCH) ASCA: Open High in Trial - ASCA agility Veteran High in Trial - ASCA agility STATS PEDIGREE PHOTOS